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Let’s keep it simple

Are you worried about the permits, options, and installation? Self Solar provides all the necessary
permitting documents and educational resources connects you with reputable installation companies (if needed), and empowers you to make the right decisions for you – and only you.

Get a solar assessment, pick your Self Solar kit, then choose your installation method – and you’re ready to go! We’re proud to say many customers have finally decided to go solar because we’ve made the process simple and straightforward.


Let’s keep it affordable

You no longer need to spend a fortune to generate renewable energy. Self Solar has eliminated the salespeople and their hefty commissions, as well as the overhead costs. If you’re going to produce clean energy and do good for the planet, we think you deserve to pay a “clean” price, too!

Pick your installation method and save even more! Our three kits provide various quality equipment options for every budget.


Let’s stay in the know

Self Solar gives you easy access to the resource library, community forum, calculators, solar
, permit set, and so much more.

Just like the solar industry that keeps evolving, our website is being constantly updated with more and more helpful information. When you’re ready to embark on your solar adventure, we have the map and the right tools for you!


Trusted by Customers Nationwide

We understand going solar is a big, long-term investment and we’re excited to show you why we’re the right partner for you.

Click here to read more real Self Solar success stories.

Ready to get started?
Get your Customized Home Assessment today.

Our Team is Clear About Our Vision

We’re backed with years of solar industry expertise. While there is a lot of good that comes from the
solar industry, we also see some major issues that take advantage of the consumer and are not always
in your best interest. As a partner in your solar journey, we’re here to help remedy those issues
and put you, the consumer, in the driver’s seat.

Have suggestions, comments, or feedback?
We’re all ears!

We truly strive to be your partner by continuing to make the solar process cheaper, easier, and more
transparent. We’d love to hear what you have to say!